Sunday, June 19, 2011

One Emotion at a Time

Presidential speeches and addresses are too long to change any one's mind, especially when they're disinclined toward the speaker. For those issues that really are supported by the majority of Americans but are stalled in Congress, I think the President should issue commercials that have one message only, repeated in as many words as possible. I'm getting this idea from an email I just received from an apparently conservative friend about making illegal aliens serve in the military. It goes on to say that afterward they can become citizens and pay their taxes.

Which means the forwarders of this email have never heard of, or don't understand, or have shut their minds to appeals by the President to support the Dream Act, which specifically proposes giving aliens who complete a tour of duty the opportunity to become citizens, IF they have no criminal record, IF they have paid all their taxes, and IF they get in line with all the other legal aliens applying for citizenship, wait their turn, and pass all the required citizenship tests.

I just think a large majority of conservatives would agree with that but just can't 'hear' it because they're tuning out the President by reflex. So launch a commercial, Mr. President, that suggests that illegal aliens serve in our military to get a shot at citizenship. Or do a tour of duty in our military and be able to apply for citizenship. Or help us win the war in Afghanistan, and come back to the possibility of becoming an American. Or join the army, join the country. The same thing, over and over.

Don't be comprehensive or complete. Don't even mention other aspects of the act, like the college thing. Don't name the act. Don't let extraneous words get in the way. Don't even use the your voice. Hire someone to do a voice over something like a gun battle for visual impact. Push one emotional button at a time, over and over, until it fires up the conservative soul.

I think the Dream Act would pass quickly after that. But I'm going to try to test my theory in a smaller way. Will let you know.

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